Volunteer Firewood Survey
Introductory Cover
This survey is being conducted by
If you have already taken this survey or have participated in an MTU
interview survey about firewood please do not fill out this survey. Please fill out this survey to the best of
your ability. Have the person who plans the camping trips fill out the survey. Circle one answer for every question unless
otherwise indicated. Fill in the open
response questions in the space provided.
Please DO NOT put your name, other contact information or your campsite
number on your survey. You may fill out this survey at any point
during your stay and turn it in where you registered for camping or to any
other park employee. Thank you.
1) Name
of Campground
Today’s date (Circle
month and write in day) June July August Day
3) What
is the zipcode of your residence?
4) What
is your sex/gender?
(Please circle) 1) Female 2) Male
5) What
is your age group? (Please circle)
1)18-25 2)
26-30 3) 31-40 4) 41-50 5)
51-60 6) 61-70 7)
71 and older
6) What
level of education have you completed? (Circle one)
1) elementary school 4) some college
2) some high school 5) completed
3) completed high school/ GED 6)
professional or graduate school degree
7) How
many times do you leave home to go camping in the summer? (Circle one)
1)1-5 trips a summer 2)
6-10 trips a summer 3)11-20
trips a summer
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4) more than 20 trips a summer
8) When
you camp do you normally stay in a: (Circle one)
1) Tent 2) RV 3) Cabin 4)
Other (Please specify)
9) How
far away from home do you travel to go camp? (Circle one)
In State 1) less than 100 miles 2)100-200
miles 3) more than 200 mile
Out of
State 4) less than 100 miles 5)100-200
miles 6) more than 200 miles
10) What
kind of campgrounds do you normally prefer to stay at? (Circle one)
1) State
Park 2) National Forest
Service 3) Private 4) County 5) Township
6) Other
(Please specify)
Which kind of campground facilities do you usually prefer? (Circle one)
1) Modern
camping (has facilities with running water and flush toilets.
2) Rustic
camping (has outhouses)
3) Back
country camping
Which of the following describes how you most often get your firewood? (Circle one)
1) I bring firewood with me 2) I collect firewood in the
surrounding woods
3) I buy firewood near the
campground 4) I buy
firewood at the campground
13) Do
you know of any regulations on the transportation of firewood?
1) Yes 2) No
14) If you answered yes above, how
did you hear about the regulations? (Circle
all that apply)
1) Flyers/
poster 2) Billboard 3) TV 4) Radio 5) Friends or family
6) Other
(please specify)
15) If you answered yes to question
13, what regulations on the movement of firewood do you know about?
Thank you for taking the time to
fill out our survey!
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Please return
it to where you registered or to any park employee.